The power to tax is the power to destroy. I don't remember who said it, here is a clear example of being caught in the jaws of the machine. I don't care for Obama's politics, though my wife voted for him in the primary, chiefly because she doesn't want Hillary to even get close to a shot at the presidency. I think it is not the right of churches to comment and have a stand on issues of the day, but their duty. The idea of us slavishly following the pastor into the voting booth is insulting to both democracy and religion, not to mention people. What is next? Hucklebee played bass at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia some weeks ago. Is the IRS going to confiscate tapes of the service to see if he was sending out secret messages in the bass notes? The only one that I could think of might be ABBA, the Aramaic for father. But, then, I'm not being paid on the taxpayers' nickle to ferret out such things.