I've used the used the 60gr Aguilla in three of my 22 Long Rifles; Ruger 10/22, Springfield M-6 Survival Rifle, and my Springfield 1911-A1 with Ciener (sp) 22 LR conversion kit. I've shot it up to 15yards at the local indoor range. 1) 10/22- Shooting indoors I noticed early on that there was a great deal of flash at the breach end of the barrel. This tells me that the timing is off and that the bullet is still n the barrel at the time the action is open and ejecting the case. I no longer shoot these in my 10/22. If you do I'd recommend a stronger spring on the bolt return. 2) 1911-A1 w/ 22 LR conversion shoots these great with no flash at the breach. At 15 yard there are signs that the bullets are starting to yaw, but still hitting point of aim. 3) Springfield M-6 at 15 yards these shoot to point of aim, but again there are signs that the bullets are starting to yaw, as the bullet holes are oblong and not round.
Try Remington Sub-Sonic if yo want a quiet(er) round for your 22. It shoots to point of aim, with nice round holes, in all three of my 22's, functioning my 10/22 and Ciener conversion reliably.