I know it would be a wonderful world if what other people are using would work in your gun.
The truth of the matter is as state by others the only way to tell is buy some slugs that you would like to try, i.e. Barnes expanders, Hornaday SST and try them out. The SST’s are deadly accurate ( less than 3 in groups @100) in my Benelli and so are the Barnes expanders although the other Barnes (1oz slugs) worked great a 5o yards, I could barely keep them on a 2’x3’ sheet of paper @ 100.
The reason I changed from the SST’s was: one deer I shot the bullet seemed to explode on impact not entering the chest cavity (the only reason I know this is the guy next to me hit and knocked down the deer) I had other just pass straight though Small hole going in and a small hole coming out.
The Barnes expanders are grouping about 3in @ 100, so I will be using them this year. My old 870 liked the Barnes 1oz slugs (the style BRI introduced about 25/30 years ago) My older Winchester 1200 could hit a 6in paper plate @ 100 every time using the BRI, but my 870 hated them.
So the long and short of it good news or bad, you need to find what works in your gun.
Some guys I know think the Berneke Foster style slugs work great out of their rifled barrels. If I thought they would work out of my gun I would try them, and may just do that, as they are cheap 3 to 4 dollars a box.
Just my 2 cents