With a 44 Wheelgun, I would go with a straight 2x, but that is a matter of opinion. I have Leopold, Burris, Bushnell, T/C and Nikon Pistol Scopes. My all time favorite is the Leopold, easiest to look through and easiest to see crosshairs in my opinion (thats why I have 3 of them). Only one of the bunch I have had to have repaired is the Nikon, it would not hold its adjustments and was sent back for repair. T/C is my second choice, like it almost as well as the Leopold. Bushnell is okay but the crosshairs are a little fine for me and it has a very narrow field of view. My Burris is a 2-7, and although I have not had any problems with it, the eye relief is way to critical when above 5x, I like the T/C's because they are not like this.
Hope this helps and good luck.