Lee,when all you use is 330's,you have to learn to adapt.
Many of those(square shy) beaver get caught in--you guessed it-----330's.Even if a beaver knows and avoids my half submerged 330's--they still come to check them out.That is when I add the totally submerged bodygrippers.I relure all my sets that the beaver has come to know--then set hidden traps in approach ways .
It is my belief that there isn't a beaver alive that cannot be caught in a 330.A trapper just has to be one step ahead of them.Now I am not saying success comes immediately--but it will if you persist,adapt---and have total confidence in the sets you make.
I do not do summer time beaver removal--so I am not in an area for weeks on end.If I lose round one right now--I will win on round 2 .