I will take your question as an honest inquiry..
There has been a recent rise in neo-paganism. Neo-paganism has it's own pantheon of gods. One of the chief gods is not a god..but a goddess; named Gaia.
There is reason for many to believe that some of the leading eco leaders actually worship Gaia.
The cult of ecology has its own priests (local) and top Gurus..such as Ted Turner and Al Gore. the religion has such things as the medieval Roman church
had for repentance and so-called "absolution" for sins...the medieval church called it "indulgences" while the church of Eco worship calls theirs, " carbon offsets"..
One could go on and on with the similarities such as each has their dogma (e.g. global warming), prophets ( Al Gore, Ted Turner), Holy Books ( Earth in the Balance, An Inconvenient truth), indulgences (carbon offsets), both are/were land-hungry, High Holy days (Earth Day), Martyrs (Silkwood, Bronkavich), evangelism (need I note?),
Exclusivism is a watchword.."we have the truth, the whole truth and we won't listen to anyone but our leaders..like Pope Algore..
The pagan spiritual elements are also in evidence..
www.usasurvival.org/cultofgaia.html http://contenderministries.org/UN/gaia.php You can do your own research..just do a Google or Yahoo search for <Al Gore, Gaia > < Ted Turner, Gaia >
You can look up that cartoon for kids that was developed by Ted Turner..called Captain Planet . In Captain Planet, your kids will be taught that the goddess Gaia has
awakened from a centuries long sleep, and is enlistiung your kids and mine ..to save the planet. Look it up in Wikipedia...
What we have is a cult of neo-pagans that dislike Christianity and by inference, the USA. Surely you have heard some of the Gaia Gurus slam both Christianity and the USA...even while travelling abroad.