Author Topic: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.  (Read 796 times)

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 01:04:19 PM »
I think he is just trying to sell his book and get on the talk TV circuit.

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 05:00:17 PM »
I have always loved milk, but I think it has something to do with the way I was introduced to it as a baby.  I still enjoy a big glass of ice cold milk and a handful of cookies when the wife is not watching, but after seeing this I will be changing my habits...........wonder how cookies and beer taste together?

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 06:24:34 PM »
February 2001
The truth about milk
by Dr. Theresa Warner
(Our office receives numerous faxes, letters and phone calls regarding chiropractic pediatric care. This column allows us to answer the most commonly asked questions.)

QUESTION: Many of my patients' children ingest a lot of dairy products, particularly milk. Is milk really harmful, and what substitute recommendations can I make to them?

ANSWER: With celebrities, sports stars, actors and actresses donning milk moustaches, it would seem that milk is the perfect food. Yet, this is hardly the case.

Physicians from Dr. Benjamin Spock to Dr. Frank Oski, M.D., director of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have made public their concern about potential health risks from children consuming cow's milk.

Each person in the U.S. consumes, on the average, 375 pounds of dairy products each year. One of every seven dollars spent for food in this country goes for the purchase of milk and milk products. In fact, these items make up the second largest food expense, ranking behind only the combined expenses for meat, fish, poultry and eggs.

The Federal Trade Commission in April of 1974 issued a "proposed complaint" against the California Milk Producers Advisory Board and their advertising agency. It cited the slogan, "Everybody needs milk" was false, misleading, and deceptive advertising.

The commission judged that testimonials from the likes of Florence Henderson and Mark Spitz posed an inaccurate picture of the value of milk. Quickly the new slogan "Milk Has Something For Everybody" arose. I doubt they meant antibiotics, hormones, steroids and chemicals.

The fact is, most animals are breast-fed exclusively until they have tripled their birth weight. In human infants this occurs around the age of one. Breast-feeding is a kind of natural immunization for the infant, providing the mother's antibodies to protect and support the child's immature immune system.

Cow's milk was designed to bring a calf to a 2,000 pound cow in one year's time. It was not meant for human infants. No animals, except for humans, consume milk after being weaned.

Sometime between one-and-a-half and four years of age, we gradually lose lactose activity in our small intestines. Many infants drink between one and two quarts of milk on a daily basis. Although this acts to satisfy their hunger, they are often left with little room for vital iron-containing foods.

Cow's milk can produce iron deficiency by providing little dietary iron itself, and at the same time producing iron loss by inducing gastrointestinal bleeding. Iron deficiency anemia makes children act inattentive, apathetic, and irritable. They will cry a great deal encouraging mother to do what she knows best: provide a soothing bottle of milk -- which only compounds the problem.

The American Heart Association has strongly urged people to reduce their consumption of milk and dairy products due to milk's relationship to atherosclerosis.

Diarrhea, cramps, acne and skin rashes have also been linked to drinking whole cow's milk. And if these don't provide enough evidence that milk is anything but a wonder food, add leukemia, multiple sclerosis, ear infections, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile diabetes, and bronchitis to the list.

Many mothers give their children milk to build strong, healthy bones and teeth. The irony is that milk may actually lead to tooth decay.

Dr. Frances Castano, a dental researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, believes that milk may actually destroy the teeth of children who are given a bottle to go to sleep with. This common practice can lead to very rapid decay.

Many parents fear that removing dairy products will hurt their child due to the calcium they will lose. This argument is not valid. Cow's milk contains 1,200 milligrams of calcium per quart compared to human milk which has only 300 milligrams. However, infants receiving human milk actually absorb more calcium into their bodies, due to the fact that cow's milk is so rich in calcium.

The more studies that are done, the less clear it becomes just how much calcium humans really need. Other countries -- African nations, for example -- consume far less calcium and tend to have a lower incidence of osteoporosis. It is apparent that humans can adjust to variations in the amount of calcium in their diet. The body simply absorbs more (in an attempt to meet needs) when reduced quantities are ingested.

(Drs. Theresa and Stuart Warner, whose New Jersey practice is comprised of 60% children under seven, present 40 pediatric programs around the world each year for chiropractic associations and colleges. The Warners are the founders of "Kids Day America/International," and founded the non-profit World Children's Wellness Foundation. Comments or questions about issues raised in this column or regarding children's wellness and chiropractic in general may be directed to Dr. Teresa Warner by phone at 732/295-5437; fax, 732/295-1166; or e-mail,
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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 06:33:41 PM »

Milk is bad... But I have known this for many years and do not drink it nor do I eat cereal with it...

If you have a dairy near you and can get fresh milk that came right from the cow and then to you I have been told it is safe but no thanks...


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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2008, 01:14:56 PM »

 There is a lot of Bull Sxxt about drinking milk,  I have been drinking milk
 over 75 yrs, never hurt me, as a kid had get my own from a cow,
 raised on a ranch, we always had cows.
 If you will watch doctors  will change their ideas on what is good for you.
 just own thoughts.     Marv.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2008, 01:36:49 PM »
I found out I have an allergy to cow's milk.  I am not allergic to goat milk.  Wonder why.  I just recently found this out through allergy testing.  However, I think it is the growth hormones they give cows to produce more milk.  Maybe the antibiotics too.  I found some organic milk and tried it and had no reaction.  Wonder why. 

Offline rex6666

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2008, 07:40:30 PM »
Well i am sixty years old and i can not find that milk has hurt me in any way, neither can my
doctor. I think over the years that i have noticed that some high muctty-mick writes some paper
gets it published in a medical journal, then all the dr. want to agree, without any researh of their own
Bet lots of these dr. have drank milk all their lives.
I grew up on a farm/ranch operation, this part about taking a calf to a 2000lb cow in ayear should
tip people off, i would love to see a 2000lb cow, have seen some holstiens (dariy breed) that would go 11-1200 and that is huge.
Seems like now day it is the "in thing" to find some thing wrong with every thing.
I guess now we know why all these kids wear their caps backwards or have wheels on there shoes
wear all black, too much milk.

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2008, 09:56:11 PM »
Yep, somebody finding something else bad for us. Beef is bad, fish has toxins, water has bacteria, on and on. Wonder sometimes just how the human race has made it this far!! Of course, just maybe, we've gotten too smart for our own good.  gypsyman
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Offline woodchukhntr

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2008, 02:22:39 AM »
Cow's milk is for calves, just as human milk is for human babies.  How did we ever get into drinking cow's milk in the first place?  Having said that, I don't see thousands of people dieing daily from drinking cow's milk.  I think that it is just one of the "panic of the month" things.  I will go on drinking an occasional glass of milk and using it in my cereal and coffee without concern.  Oh yeah, I forgot the deadly poisonous ice cream that I eat in the summer.

Offline rex6666

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2008, 08:26:46 AM »
This bumpkin keeps talking about growth hormones, to my knowledge, and i could be wrong, but i think we growth hormones to calves that we plan to kill for beef. why would we need to give growth hormones to milk cows, we don't need them bigger faster. I know some people that have small dairies
they say they give their cow nothing like this guy is talking about. Milk production is hereditary, that
is why they are always improving the heard, other wise they could just use any cow and shoot her up with all this miracle drugs like they do baseball players(couldn't help it)
Think this guy is selling books!

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2008, 09:48:22 AM »
Mmmm this chocolate milk is goood,what are we talkin bout agaiin?If milk was bad for you Id be dead,i drink it every dam day of my life.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline oldandslow

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 06:19:49 AM »
I drank enough milk in my life to float a small ship. I don't drink much anymore because it is fattening and I don't need to be any fatter. That and the fact 2% milk tastes awful. I'm 70 years old and still don't have to take any prescription medicine and my last blood pressure check was 120 / 72.

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Re: ALL members need to watch this video on milk.
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2008, 09:28:55 AM »
That reminds me of how the "experts" told us for years not to eat eggs. My step Grandma died a couple of years ago at 92. She ate eggs & sausage or bacon every morning. I guess those eggs finally got her.

I guess we have more problems than I thought! We can't drink the Cow's milk & no doubt the milk will give the suckling Calf health
problems as well. That means I guess that we can't eat that Calf when it gets bigger. Also, we can't fertilize with that manure because
those Cows drank their Mama's milk when they were young, that will make the manure tainted & now we can't eat those greens
or tomatoes I guess. Maybe I should go outside & peel some bark off of trees to boil for supper. Nah, I think I'll heat me up some hot chocolate instead.   ::)
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