I carry a 96D Brigadier DAO daily. The long heavy DAO trigger takes some breaking in, but once done, while still long, it lightens up and is very smooth.
Recoil is managable, even with the hotter defense loadings. With plinking ammo, it is really pleasant.
In over 3000 rounds, I have had one stovepipe, and I induced it intentionally by limpwristing. No other malfunctions. I should mention that it collects a lot of grit in the field, but that doesn't seem to bother it much. The magazines are prone to rust on humid days, though.
I shoot tighter groups with a Glock, but I am more comfortable shooting the Beretta.
I trust my life to this pistol, and I wish I could buy it from my agency when we supposedly transition to USP's next year.
Your mileage may vary. Good luck.