I bought some new brass - or at least I thought it was new, because it was priced like new. Does nickel plated brass draw a premium that would have once fired brass priced like regular new brass? Anyhow, I got it home, opened up the pack to see that there were traces in the primer pockets and that the necks were a little roughed up.
I tried running it through my resizing die - it seemed to straighten the necks out, but the stuff slipped in and out of my die easier that my own brass that I've resized would. I tried loading some 300 grain Sierra Matchking bullets, and the necks were tight enough they shaved small flakes of copper off the bullets. That obviously will change how the bullets will fly - I'm just plinking with the ones I've just reloaded, so while I'm not happy about that, I'll live with it. What I'm more concerned about - does this leave the necks TOO tight, and possibly pose a safety concern? If so, is there a way for me to rectify the safety concern?
Last question - according to the handbook I was using, the starting point for my IMR4831 powdr is 60.3 grains, and the max load is 68.5 grains. I did 4 different loads, 60.3 grains, 63 grains, 65.8 grains, and 68.5 grains, with the idea that if one load shoots fine, and I don't see warning signs on the brass, I'll try the next level. Are those small enough increments with a new rifle?
Sorry to ask so many wordy questions, but I'm definitely new at this, and relying on the wisdom and experience of others.