Author Topic: universal o\u  (Read 650 times)

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Offline hillbill

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universal o\u
« on: July 04, 2003, 06:53:29 AM »
hey graybearders! i have recently purchased a universal o\u 12 ga that i would like to learn more about. it says imported from brescia italy,28 in barrels, full and mod fixed chokes,engraved receiver, checkering and recoil pad. appers to be older gun maybe from 60,s or 70,s but am not sure. i have never seen another one similar to it. anybody know anything about this brand name or this gun and maybe how to determine its age and value?

Offline Ka6otm

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universal o\u
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2003, 04:44:16 AM »

The Blue Book Of Gun Values says Universal was established in 1982 and list the following values:

1.  Model 7712 VR, non selective single trigger, extractors, light engraving, checkered pistol grip stock $440/100% $385/95% and so on.

2.  Model 7812 ..same as 7712 except auto ejectors and more engraving
$695/100% $$550/95%

3.  Model 7912 ..similar to 7812 except selective single trigger and gold damascene engraving $1,210/100% $1,100/95%.

Any help?

Offline hillbill

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universal shotguns
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2003, 07:40:26 AM »
thanks Ka, my gun sounds like the 7712vr maybe except mine has double triggers. does your book say anything about double triggers? i would of guessed this gun as older than early eighties because of the triggers. but im not really a shotgun guy either. does it say where universal was based? this gun says hialeigha fla  and brescia italy on the barrel. which i assume is where it was made and where it was imported thru.

Offline Ka6otm

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universal o\u
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2003, 09:10:51 AM »

The only one they list with double triggers is the Double Wing SxS and since you said an O/U, I didn't mention that one.

I can't remember ever seeing an O/U with double triggers, but I have heard of them in the past.

The book says Hialeah, Fl and previously manufactured in Jacksonville, Arkansas.

It also says that all Universal shotguns were discontinued after 1982.  It also says that it was started in 1982, so unless there's a misprint in the book, it looks like they only made them for one year.

With respect to the double triggers, yes you can still get them to this day on various makes of SxS shotguns...I was raised shooting a SxS with double triggers and always liked it for instant choke selection.  I've found with single selective triggers, I have to fool around with the selector switch too long to change barrels and by that time, the bird is WAAAY out there.

Offline hillbill

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universal shotgun
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2003, 12:45:24 PM »
Ka your right about the double triggers, thinking back i cant remember seeing a o\u either with double triggers. he he i always end up with all the weird stuff. its a nice feeling gun and kind of unusual, i think ill just keep it awhile. i usually shoot skeet with a auto but i could never remember how many shells it had in it and sometimes had trouble if my reloads werent just right. should be just the ticket.