Thanks for the reply Montanan and Savage, we went out today and shot them some and he now sees that the compensator IS NOT necessary on a .40. The guy that he was talking to at work knew that he did not have much experience with autos used it as an excuse to impress him with big words and statistics not knowing that he had an older brother that has shot one or two autos in his life. I will admit that I don't know everything but I do know B.S. when I smell it. The G22 is no problem at all to control, we both bought G27's and without the magazine extensions, it is a frisky little pistol to shoot but still not at all bad to control. The mag extenders on mine improve my grip 100% plus give me a 10 round clip instead of nine. I was just using IPSC or IDPA as examples of shooting a bunch of rounds in a day. Since most of my brothers pistol shooting has been with a revolver, after his first shot, I didn't have to explain why you never lay the thumb of your left hand behind the slide on a Glock. After we stopped the bleeding, he shot extremely well with it. I told him the best thing for him to do was buy all the ammo he could afford and shoot, shoot, and shoot some more (besides it's just plain fun).