I bought an 870 Express 12ga. 26" barrel a couple weeks ago. I almost bought a couple of rifles until I called the Sportsmans Warehouse in Indiana where I'm moving in a couple of weeks and they're "out the door" price was about $100 cheaper than I could get them here in CA. So as soon as I get to IN and get a drivers license there then I will be purchasing a 700 XCR Long Range Tactical 308 Win (maybe, not completely made up my mind yet), a 700 SPS Varmint 243 (Thanks Dale!), a 700 VTR 223 or 308 (Thanks NONYA!), and a 700 SPS 17RF, 204Rug??. I'm also gonna look for the R-15 VTR, if I can get one then I probably won't be getting the XCR.
I just want to thank you guys for all of your posts about your new rifles that has persuaded me to start looking for a divorce lawyer or a good E.R. when I come home carrying 3 new rifles!!
In all seriousnous though, I was almost convinced that I needed a Weatherby Vanguard Sub MOA until I read posts by Dale, Sniper, and NONYA and then I remembered that all the Rem 700s' I've owned shot that well and didn't need a guarantee and they're made right here in the Great USA! Thanks for the wake up call guys. I'll let you know in about a month what my new purchases are.