You guys planning on just stomping through the woods? If you stalk instead, and use the wind in your favor, you can get real close to those hogs and not have to take running shots. I would recommend shots of less than 100 yards with that rifle, and that is achievable with those near sighted beasts. They hear and can smell very well. In packs, they are always wary so tread lightly.
A 4x fixed power scope is quite sufficient. I would also recommend a mono-pod, bi-pod or tripod shooting sticks as a steady rest. Shoot 'em in the neck and they never take another step. No chase, no gamy meat taste from all that adrenalin, easier on you. Use the "X" between the ears and the eye as a target. The brain is just below the skull cap there. Even a near miss in that location is devastating and will drop them.