Hey guys,
I am new to this part of Greybeard and pretty new in general.
I grew up hunting with my brothers Savage .22X.410 over and under. It was pretty much the perfect gun to grow up hunting with. When I grew up we just went "hunting" not "rabbit hunting" or "quail hunting", but more what ever we found that was edible. This was a long time ago when I was a kid back in the woods, but we didn't know much about seasons or anything. Our hunting season was after the first hard freeze. We weren't game hogs or anything. However, with the old Savage, if I saw a squirrel I shot it with the 22. If it hung in the tree, then .410. If a rabbit stopped after a few feet, then .22. If he kept running .410. One duck on the water with the .22 and one in the air with the .410 if I was lucky. You get the picture.
I still love to hunt that way(minus the ducks with the .22/.410 lead). I would love to find an affordable Savage like that or a comparable gun in another brand. Does anyone have any suggestions? What would I expect to pay for a gun like that today?