Author Topic: VTR owners questions  (Read 598 times)

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Offline jvs

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VTR owners questions
« on: March 15, 2008, 12:03:43 AM »
Did anyone apply for the Remington Rebate after you bought the VTR?  I picked the rebate coupon up when I took the rifle home and I see that it says the Rebate for the 700 is good for a Remington "Varmint" Rifle (other than Model Seven Predator or Model 700 SPS).  I understand that it is a toss-up as to whether Remington will rebate on the VTR because it the VTR is designated as Varmint-Tactical and not just a Varmint, even though it is not a Predator or SPS.  So if you applied for a rebate and got it, I would like to know before I waste my time.

Second....I am asking for personal opinions as to whether the finish on the receiver in the area of where the Scope Bases will sit is uniform enough so it won't be a problem down the road.  That finish is a whole lot thicker than normal blueing and the potential for a future problem exists in my opinion.  Since the finish isn't as smooth as a blued barrel, there will potentially be surfaces between the bases and receiver that are not making flush contact.   I am considering smoothing the top of the Receiver in that area so the Bases would sit more flush.
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Offline jvs

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Re: VTR owners questions
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 12:45:11 AM »

I was in the Remington Website and I stumbeled upon the answer to my first question.  Even though the Rebate applies to the VTR in Varmint Calibers, the Rebate does not apply to the Tactical Caliber.  So the Rebate is NOT offered in the current Spring Promo for the .308. 

The hype reads :    Hunters with a knack for filling their tag or limit tend to have more than success in common. They trust their hunt to Remington firearms and ammunition. To make it even better, the 2008 "Rebate Roundup" Spring Promotion offers $50 cash back on Autoloading Turkey Camo Shotguns, $30 cash back on Pump Turkey Camo Shotguns, $50 cash back on Model 700 Varmint & Model Seven Rifles (Varmint Calibers: .17-.243), $30 cash back on 700 SPS Varmint Rifles and up to $15 cash back on Wingmaster HD!

Remington will Rebate $50 for the VTR .204 Ruger, .223 and the .22-250.

Remington/Products/700/VTR/Rebate Icon 
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Re: VTR owners questions
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 08:15:15 AM »
I looked at the rebate center before I went and bought mine so I knew the 308 was included. It didnt bother me at all.

As for the finish, this is the third or fourth 700 I have owned with the SPS finish and I havent had a problem with any of them.If the bases are true and sit flush and tight, you wont have a problem either.


Offline jvs

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Re: VTR owners questions
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 12:06:28 PM »
Thanks Tim. 

Since regular Blueing is roughly 1/10,000 of an inch thick, and this finish is much thicker than that, I was trying to figure out if that finish may be a problem down the road.  I knew this finish has been used for a few years already on earlier model 700 ADL's and so far there are no complaints that I heard of.  I couldn't find anything on the Remington website that tells me what this finish is composed of.  I think if chipping or cracking of the finish on the barrel or receiver is apparent in years to come, it would be a sign that the finish could be failing under the bases also.  All finishes fail sooner or later.

I would have gotten the .308 even if I had known before hand that there was no rebate offered.  It would have been nice to get the rebate, but I am not disappointed in the rifle if I don't get it.  Things always work out in the end.
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Offline fbg

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Re: VTR owners questions
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 02:32:09 PM »

I stumbled onto this site while looking for VTR information and it looks like the last poster might be thinking that the .308 is not included in the rebate due to the .17-.243 caliber list on the rebate form.  While I probably won't be active on this site due to time constraints, I wanted to register to share the following thought:

If you go to the fourth page, about 1/3 down lists the .308 as eligible for the $50 rebate, so if you already purchased the rifle, I'd be sure to send the rebate in.

Thank you for the information on the VTR.  Your forum had several good threads.