I'm assuming you're going to have a guide do some baiting for you. If not you'll have to get the bears to find you with their noses. The woods are pretty thick to plan on a spot and stalk hunt. Bears seem to suffer from ground shrink more than most critters, my buddy shot one last season that was no bigger than a Lab, he swore it was bigger at the bait when he pulled the trigger. Spend as much time as possible looking at bears. In my opinion if the bear looks healthy and almost athletic it's pretty small, you want an out of shape beer bellied slow moving slovenly looking animal, a big sagging belly. As most will tell you the ears ought to look small and out of proportion as well. Putting something up high hanging from a limb at a given height may also help. Most of the bears I've encountered just appear magically like from a Star Trek transporter, no noise no comotion just there at the bait. I'm far from an expert but they will likely post more and better info soon.