To: Graybeard
I "believe" that you are of Native American ancestry as your picture so accurately depicts. Furthermore, "Injun" is not just a name and cannot mean just anything. It is a racial slur. It is offensive. I have a hard time believing that you can say that in the same breath you claim your heritage from. If you truly believe that "Injun" is just a name then I suggest, Mr. President, that you go to the reservation nearest you and see what kind of reaction you get there. Then maybe you will learn the true meaning of the word. Also, judging by your need to explain "injun" to me--I think you are very aware that it is not "just a name."
To: Swamp Fox
I think it is "get a clue" time--there is nothing positive about the word injun, no matter how it is used. It's an insult, it is degrading, and disrespectful.
BTW, I was not referring to anyone or anything from India as that is where Indians are from. But I guess you already know that as you and your wife both have "Indian" blood.
To: Azshooter
I did tell my son the truth--that there are very ignorant people in this world, but apparently more so, on this forum. FYI--Injun was always meant to be offensive, it did not come from people with difficulty speaking. It is like calling an African-American the "N" word--it is a racial slur.
To: Big Hext Finnigan
First, I was not and am not looking for offense. I do not use my son as an excuse. My husband has a user name on this forum, and my son wanted to go online like his dad (they are both outdoorsmen). So while dad was at work we hopped online so my son could check this site out. Much to my dismay, my son was asking me what an injun was not long after I had left him on his way. I was really disappointed as I thought this would be a safe website for my son to go on and learn something worthwhile.
Second, I am a True Native from the Lakota & Ojibwa tribes (1/2 & 1/2)--AKA Sioux & Chippewa.
Third, I am well aware of my history and heritage. I know quite well that my people taught the early settlers a lot more than tricks. They taught them survival, but they sure weren't from India (hence the name).
To: Shorty
Thank you for your open-mindedness. Other than my husband (who is not of Native American descent) you are the only one who has supported my reaction to this atrocious indignity.