Author Topic: BUFFALO CLASSIC  (Read 1133 times)

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Offline wgr

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« on: February 15, 2008, 06:10:43 PM »
does anyone shoot black powder in there bc 45-70? if so i would like to know if you have to take it apart and clean it  are does the case seal the bore and keep the fouling out of the action? i understand the need to clean up after shooting black powder i shoot alot of it in muzzle loaders  never in cartridge rifles. would be more than willing to learn how to dissamble  the rifle if need be
never to much gun

Offline bufflobob

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« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2008, 08:14:25 AM »
WGR --- Sure do !!! It's one of my favorite rifles, and I really like shooting BP in it. I usually shoot paper patch lead cast in mine.
Shot my whitetail with it last fall, Goex Express ffg and 485 gr. lead cast paper patched. Shoots about a 2 " group at 100 yds.
I have mounted a scope on mine, my eyes are aging. Almost forgot to answer your question, no you don't have to disassemble
to clean. Just try to not get any water or whatever you use in the action, wipe dry immediately and light but thorough oiling
right after drying. probably cleaning and oiling is total of 10 to 15 minutes. Not much different from smokeless. But with smokeless
you don't have to clean so quickly after shooting, unless its real wet out as possibly when hunting. 

As a tip for cleaning, make yourself a setup from some scrape plywood with padded U shaped cutouts for cradling the rifle open upside
down at the range. That way no water or cleaning fluid will get into the action. I usually carry a small amount of rubbing alcohol
instead of water for putting on cleaning patches, in the field hunting.

Offline NickSS

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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2008, 07:47:31 AM »
I only put 25 pounds or so of black powder through my cartridge breach loaders every year for the past 20 or so years.  I find it a lot of fun to do so. You do not have to take your rifle appart to clean.  In fact cleaning a black powder rifle is faster and easier than the same rifle shooting smokeless powder.  I shoot only straight black and clean as follows.  I run one patch moistened with a solution of on part Ballistol and 9 parts water from the breach to muzzle (except in rifles that I have to clean from the muzzle).  If the bore is really dirty I will run a second patch.  I then run a bronze bore brush through the bore twice. I follow this with one more patch with ballistol and water.  I then run a dry patch through.  If the patch comes out greyish I put Kroil penetration oil on a patch and push it through and let it soak for about 10 minutes followed by a dry patch.  This gets rid of the leading that has started.  I then lube the bore with breakfree and call it a day.  I rarely need the  extra cleaning as usually on ballistol patch one or two pases with a brush and one more ballistol and a dry patch is all it takes to clean my rifles.  I do run a damp patch through my bore after each 10 to 15 rounds at the range and I use a blow tube for each shot.

Offline wgr

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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2008, 05:54:17 AM »
thinks I'm loading some rounds today. going to see what it will do.
never to much gun