Author Topic: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)  (Read 1150 times)

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ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« on: June 29, 2008, 06:37:20 AM »
Don’t get out that often to shoot rifle or black powder., but finally made it up to Angeles Shooting Range above LA.  Anyhow, after  finishing at the rife range, see post in Military Surplus, I went over to the handgun area to shoot my 5 1/2 SS ROA.  I was surprised at the number of misfires I was getting!  Two or three every cylinder full.  I was using CCI #11 magnum primers.  Usually on the second try they would go off with no hang fires.  I was very careful to ensure the primers were seated correctly on the nipples so I’m at a loss.  Can anybody recommend replacement stainless steel nipples and primer/caps?

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Re: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 06:41:00 PM »
Switch to Remington #10 caps.  I've put countless balls down-range on the first set of nipples...really doubt if yours are worn.  If you think they are...Midway's got them.

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Re: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 04:21:06 PM »

Thanks for the 411, I bought a tin at lunch today and will give them aa try my next trip out to the outdoor range.



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Re: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 03:11:28 PM »

Your suggestion of switching to Remington #10 caps worked!  Took my ROA out today and put x32 rounds through it without a singel mis of hang fire.  These caps made all the difference in the world.  My load is; 30 gr Pyrodex pellet, Wonder Wad, and a .457 Speer ball,and now the Rem #10 cap.  I'll just toss the left over CCI #11 caps.


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Re: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2008, 06:24:00 PM »
I am baffled as to why switching to a smaller size cap would end the misfires solved by double striking.  I had the same problem with my ROA and was told that I needed to seat the caps more firmly.  The most common recommendation was to use a wooden dowel to firmly seat each cap.  This really bugged me because first it seemed to carry a risk of discharge while the cylinder being worked on was not in line with the barrel and secondly I always wondered how the original guns back in the day fried without this step.

Then I had a "ureka" moment.  Why not after loading and capping point the gun down range, ease the hammer down on top of each cap and then using my thumb press, the hammer up, firmly into each cap fully seating or "pre-seating" each cap?  It is quick, safe and requires no extra tools, (wooden dowels).  This one simply and effective addition to my reload process has eliminated all misfires except the rare bad cap.

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Re: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2008, 08:59:13 AM »
I use the Remington #10  on my ROA ,but the CCI #11 MP on my 45/70 Stewart nippled brass cases.
There i never had any problem with them at all.
Of course a firing pin is hitting them then .so i wonder if that makes a difference ?
The cases use either a #10 or a #11 but the # 11 primer sets closer to the counter bore and stays very tight that way.
But the CCI has given me problems in my ROA before also.
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Re: ROA's Misfires (Baby Needs New Nipples?)
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2008, 02:50:37 AM »
The CCI's are harder alloy, as are their modern primers, I guess it's an extra safety margin.  There are several blogs in the reloading area of problems with the CCI primer after trigger jobs or lighter springs and I personally had problems with misfires in my ROA with their caps also.