William, I am 60 miles east of Artesia, just 15 miles west of the TX line. We had quite a bit of rain early last year and thought maybe the drought was over. It quit raining in August. Just a little shower rarely that was dried out and gone in a day. About 4" of snow total in three little storms and it all blew away. The rain made a good grass crop last summer but now we are paying for it. I own a farm about 100 miles east of here. The guy that farms it said they have severe drought conditions over there, no underground moisture at all.
All the moisture you have heard about is snow in the northern part of NM. The snow pack in the norther mountains is way above normal. Does,t do us a bit of good.
Paper stated that about 17,000 acres burned Saturday. There is a fire going close to Capitan and one on the Apache reservation by Ruidoso. Big Bill Richardson jumped in and proclaimed this "Fire Awarness Week" in NM yesterday. Gotta make those headlines.
I bought a new tractor and shredder a month ago tomorrow. Due to one thing and another I going to get in the pasture today and start mowing down this mess.