Well I CAN hit with scopes, have made some shots in excess of 600 yards on predators, and used them for years in a 20 year L.E. career. As I got older, however, I gravitated BACK to aperture sights on rifles, and after being out of L.E. for about 14 years now have almost totally abandoned scoped rifles entirely going back to my roots of Winchester lever actions with aperture sights. I enjoy the shooting more, and the hunting seems more of an accomplishment. Our predecessors took big game ALL OVER the United States without scopes, and that includes OUT WEST, so if one believes they are necessary there, he or she is ignoring history. One has to hunt harder, and stalk closer, but that's hunting. JMO
Handguns with scopes? Nope! Don't care for'em. Too much wiggle when I tried to use'em.