You will find that rifle bullet jackets above .30 caliber are hard to find. There are tools that you can use to make jackets from rigid copper water pipe, or reduce larger diameter jackets, or trim longer jackets. Rarely do they show up on aftermarket e-sites, gun shows, or estate sales, and when you do find them there they will sell at 80-110% of 'new price'. You will most likely have to purchace directly from the manufactures. As to ordering the jackets you need, perhaps Mr Hairfield can help you out. That's what he does in his spare time.... make bullet jackets ( "Hairfield, Harrell " <> ). He will want to know the quantity ( I think his smallest order size is 200). length, wall thickness and caliber. If you are new to bullet swaging you have to realize that the jacket's wall thickness you choose has to be compatable with your core swage punch(es). Too, there may be others using this chat room that can help you get the jackets you need.