Could be a hotspot, Ive got a place that is 7 acreas and 2 of those are taken up by a house and yard. 4 bucks and 2 does from it this year. Seen 3 more large bugs and a few smaller ones too.I can see 2 houses and a trailer from the shooting house. I had to set it up where I was shooting downward in a lil swale, just happens the deer love the low area swale for travel. But have had to pass on some big bucks that were pushing the edge too much in the direction of neighbors. Backyard bucks I guess.Dont worry about the crossbow, the rage 2 blades at 30 yds will drop a buck or keep him on your land with a shoulder shot , My buddy dropped 3 this year in thier tracks, on 8 point with a pass threw of both shoulders and a hole like no rifle could make.