Yes, I have one and it is GREAT!!! I wanted one for a while so after I had my .35 Remington made up by Wayne, and then got my .22 Hornet to .223 with a bad chamber and unfinished ejector from a member and converted it to a rimless ejector and had it rechambered to .22-250 by Wayne (they both shoot great by the way) I thought it was time to look around for my .45 ACP conversion. I did a lot of searching and thinking and I then had my .45 ACP SS barrel made up by David (censored word). It was stubbed into a 20 gauge barrel and is all I could have hoped for and more. The workmanship and fit is top notch. I have plans to obtain some .45 Super brass for it and hope to use it for plinking, coyotes, and deer in Maine. Look up the specs of .45 Super through a goggle search and I think you be at least favorably impressed if not astonished about what the "lowly" .45 is capable of. I can of course shoot all manner of .45 ACP loads from it as well. The ejector is no problem at all, just use a 30-06 family ejector (30-06, .270, .308, 25-06, .280, etc). The ejector is a perfect fit and just has to have the ejector lug housing converted from from rimmed cartridges to rimless, and that is a piece of cake, one hole drilled and and ejector lifter button added. I say try it, you will love it, I know I do....<><....