Author Topic: Coyote Comeback  (Read 590 times)

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Offline FourBee

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Coyote Comeback
« on: August 09, 2008, 05:37:11 AM »
Coyotes running all over my place last year. ;D 
   Bought a .223 to thin'em out cause my son's .270 all of a sudden started kickin the dickens out'o me.   Anyway,  those yotes disappeared!  :'(

Then early this week while out on the back deck, I was glassing out the little vale that runs through the middle of my ranch, and up on the northwest ridge approx., 900 yards out, I spotted 6 yotes basking in the early morning sun.   Every morning since then they're out there at daybreak.     ;)

Must be a pair with a litter of half grown pups denned up just over the ridge where the terrain changes from pasture to a thick cover of hardwood trees and a bluff of large slab rock overlooking a steep descent towards a meandering creek , and bottom land.      :o

That said, I'm hopin' to get some action out of them pretty soon.   :D

Enjoy your rights to keep and bear arms.

Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: Coyote Comeback
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 01:42:16 AM »
We are seeing a lot more rabbits around here this year and the Predators and offspring seem to cycle with the litters. While I am mainly a caller, I always did like to make some Fox sets (read trapping) and those numbers should be good this year. People are already reporting more Coyotes seen along the Interstates and even in some towns...Looks like we have the makings of a good year.