Back in my younger days I was sort of an environmentalist. I hated the way that companies trashed the environment in their never-ending attempts to make more money. There was no consequence for polluting the air or the local stream because there were no laws against it. Over the years there has been some good, and some bad, environmental legislation. The good ones made the air and water cleaner, which helped sportsmen as well as the general public. The bad resulted in overbearing environmental rules which greatly hampered American industry, led to loss of jobs and to dependence on foreign energy sources. Another result was the rise of environmentalists as a powerful political force. Of course, they are liberals, and liberals know what is best for us (just ask them).
Here we are again, with the liberals attacking another attempt to make us less dependent on foreign oil by making a species "endangered" so that drilling can be blocked for "environmental" reasons. Of course, the environmentalists travel to and fro in
planes and cars which use the very oil that they are attempting to stop. Maybe we need to pass laws that prevent environmentalists from using vehicles that use the oil that they hate so much! Perhaps Al Gore will volunteer to be the first senator to bike to work.