As I said, the greenies are coming up with data. Whether it's outcome driven or "junk" science or not remains to be seen. So far all the anti-greenies have done is sit around calling names and saying "that's stupid" without any data, junk or otherwise.
A really, really harsh fact of life is if some tin-foil hatted bozo gets on Oprah and sez we've got global warming and drags out some figures and charts, 13 million people in NYC are gonna go screaming to the store to stock up on long johns. And for Billy Bob to spit snuff on his shoes and say "ain't neither" doesn't change a @!#!!*^ thing. 13 million people are leverage. They get people elected. They get people un-elected. They make things happen.
So, as quickly as you anti-greenies can get some data together that maybe the Pbear does better without ice, feeding say on small eskimo and inuit childred, you could get on the Oprah show and prove a need to quickly reinstate Pbear hunting. It would be a noble cause don'tchaknow. "cause we're doin' it for the chirrun".