Author Topic: 2008 shoot over-view  (Read 830 times)

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Offline stimpylu32

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2008 shoot over-view
« on: June 04, 2008, 10:24:45 PM »
Fuzzy and myself rolled into Hooker about 5 AM Thursday morning and off to Guyman for our license , took 4 at Walmart to use the machine (  ??? ) then off to Dans , Digger was up and making coffee but Dano was still asleep like every year  ;) Once everyone was awake we set out to shoot some dogs , wind was up to about 20 mph so the shooting was sort of slow that morning . It did get better as the day went on and some of the other guys rolled in through out the day .

Dan did some cooking for supper with a new product that his plant is putting out , Portabe la mushroom injected pork loins , grilled and cut into 1" thick slabs , you could cut them with a plastic knife . ( YUM )

Friday was the day when the real shooting got going , Dan and TJ along with Snowbelt and Digger did a wonderful job of placing everyone on some good towns , the wind and heat made the shooting on the slow side but it still well worth the trip . Supper this night was smoked pork butt sandwitches ( gaining weight as I type )  ;)

Saturday the wind droped and the dogs were out in force , Dan picked up a new town for us to shoot on with shots from 25' to well past 500 yards .here is a look out over the town .

And as like in the past supper for saturday night was smoked ribs , after the food I handed out the gifts to our hoast's along with the door prizes .

Many thanks to all the fine folks who donated to this year , while I handed out the stuff DJ took photo's ( I'll see if Grandpa Mike will post some for everyone )  I did get some good pic's of most of the people that attended and will try to put some names with the faces .

( L-R )  Marv ( dalti ) and his son Marty , Rich ( fuzzy ) , Dan ( our hoast ) , Steve ( snowbelt ) and grandpa Mike .

( L-R ) front -- The Greybeard himself ( Bill ) , Thayer and the digger , and the back row , TJ ( the guide ) , Dan , Clint ( Marv's other son ) , and fuzzy ( after more food )  ;)

Will add more in the next day or so as I get time .

Deceased June 17, 2015

:D If i can,t stop it with 6 it can,t be stopped

Offline shaner

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Re: 2008 shoot over-view
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2008, 01:06:15 AM »
thanks forthe pics and update looks like yu had another great time!!