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Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:44:51 AM »

Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda

Kurt Nimmo
June 8, 2008

  Bilderberg Ben Bernanke departs the Marriott, June 6, 2008.
On June 6, Fed boss Ben Bernanke arrived at the Bilderberg confab in Virginia to take his marching orders. Bernanke’s assigned task is to micromanage the depreciation of the dollar and oversee the destruction of America’s middle class, a process well underway.

Since Bush has taken office, Senator Bernie Sanders noted in January, “5.4 million middle class Americans have slipped into poverty, 6.8 million Americans have lost their health insurance, median income for working-age families has declined for five consecutive years, and 3 million manufacturing workers have lost their jobs. At the same time, the costs of education, prescription drugs, energy, and housing have risen dramatically,” and this process will continue unabated, no matter the next president or what faction of the Dem-Repub globalist party is nominally in control of Congress.

A few days before Bilderberg Ben arrived for a soirée in Chantilly, he told the International Monetary Conference in Barcelona, Spain, via satellite, that he is “worried” about inflation and said the Federal Reserve, as in Federal Express, is “inclined to leave [interest] rates where they are,” as boosting them “could further weaken the economy’s delicate state,” as the Associated Press reported.

Bilderberg Ben and the Fed are opposed to raising interest rates because such would reduce the quanity of funny money and thus reduce inflation — and inflation is the preferred tool of international bankers and globalists.

Bill Fleckenstein, writing for MSN Money, says “the Fed obviously doesn’t care about the effects of inflation, which is a direct result of its money printing.” Fleckenstein, like so many so-called economists, misses the point — the Fed is methodically running its fiat-based, funny money Ponzi scheme — also known as “fractional-reserve” lending — in order to take down the middle class and usher in the China model of economic slavery.

Oil is the preferred ordnance, as Paul Joseph Watson noted last September. “The global elite are conspiring to send oil prices crashing through the $200 dollar a barrel mark as part of an organized agenda to hike profits, bring about a global economic crash and torpedo the middle class.”

During the 2006 Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa, Canada, the Bilderbergers agreed to push for $105 a barrel before the end of 2008. In fact, the price will likely be closer to $200 a barrel, as Goldman Sachs warned recently. “Bilderberg have sworn to bring about what Jose Barroso, President of the European Commission and a Bilderberg member, refers to as the ‘post-industrial revolution,’ which in layman’s terms translates as a global economic crash, another great depression and the total evisceration of the middle class,” Watson writes.

“Control the oil and you can control entire continents. Control food and you control people,” Bilderberg and Rockefeller minion Henry Kissinger has infamously quipped. Both oil and food serve as weapons for the global elite, as a trip to the gas station and grocery store makes painfully obvious. It is not happenstance but rather a systematic and orderly plan designed to reduce you to feudal serfdom.

Unfortunately, we did not have a bug on the wall when Bilderberg Ben addressed his masters at the Marriott on June 6. However, we do not need to witness an earthquake on the floor of the ocean to know a huge tsunami is on its way. Our rulers and their banker friends will continue to decimate the middle class with their avalanche of devalued dollars, as the United States is now the target, as much of the so-called Third World was the former target. Our rulers and their hirelings and minions will not rest until the entire world is remade into the image of a sprawling slave plantation with a high-tech control grid laid over.

As Patrick Wood writes for the August Review, “the United States has literally been hijacked by less than 300 greedy and self-serving global elitists who have little more than contempt for the citizens of the countries they would seek to dominate.”

Bilderberg Ben Bernanke, as a dutiful servant

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Re: Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 10:28:55 AM »
The rich remain so only so long as there is someone with enough spending money to buy the things they make to sell us. The pitifully poor sure are not contributing to their wealth in any way and the seriously rich aren't really the source of their income either. So it's the middle class folks who actually work and contribute to society and who buy the goods supplied by the rich owners of business that keep those folks afloat.

So why would they intentionally want to end the middle class that in reality supports them? If all but the super rich become so poor they can't buy the goods then no one is rich any longer. If it ever gets to the point where there are only the rich, super rich and pitifully poor then the rich and super rich are not gonna have anyone to sell their goods to and thus they can't continue to get richer in fact then it will be them who has to support the poor and those on welfare like the middle class now do.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Re: Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 10:53:53 AM »
That's my take on it too, GB.  Sounds like one of the aluminum hat types slipped away from his village. If I owned all the jelly beans in the world and no one could afford to buy them, what good would they do me? 

I do feel we have some hard times ahead but not thru any artful manipulation by any shadowy international cabal.  We, ie America and it's citizens, have lived too well too long.  And the time to pay the piper is coming. 

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Re: Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 02:10:02 PM »
We can only hope your right GB. Just watch July and August and lets see what happens.

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Re: Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 02:48:48 PM »
So nothing is being artfully manipulated. It is the natural order of flux where the have nots want what the haves have but are too lazy or complacent to keep or defend.  It's been going on since Oog hit Grog in the head with a rock and took his stuff. 

If you're saying middle class America, where gross indebtedness is a competitive sport, is in trouble, you are right but they are doing it to themselves.

TM is right. Look at the emerging middle classes around the Pacific Rim. Discretionary income, luxury item buying, car and home ownership at an all time high. Look at the obscene amounts of money in the middle east --without the slightest idea of how to manage it except to buy "things". They will each have their place for a time. Until they feel that the wealth is theirs by birthright, it doesn't have to be cared for and it will never go away.

In order for the rich to stay rich and get richer, there has to be a consumer class of people that wants to imitate the rich.  And enjoy some to the things the rich take for granted.  But to the rich that own the companies who's slaves make the goods,  it makes no difference if that consumer group is in China or Abu Dabi. 

What's gonna happen in July and August? 

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Re: Bilderberg Ben and the Globalist Agenda
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 03:04:06 AM »
TM, "natural order of things"......... It's been going on longer than global warming. Even before Ozone Man invented the Internet so I'd put my money on flux.  You might want to brush up on your Yiddish or Mandarin. Maybe with a second in Urdu.

Oh goodie, another conspiracy.  I wisht I'd known about it before I sent Bush that big fat tax check. Never mind about learning a second language. Too late.