Author Topic: Browning X-Bolt in 325 at the Range  (Read 768 times)

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Offline Davemuzz

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Browning X-Bolt in 325 at the Range
« on: August 21, 2008, 02:19:01 AM »
My nephew was home from Vermont this week and brought with him his new Browning in 325 caliber. This short fat 8mm was the first time I've seen the cartrige and the first time I've seen his new rifle. He wanted to zero in the scope now, instead of the day before Pa. whitetail began (good idea).

Well, I must say that I was impressed with this rifle. He had a muzzle break on it (I'm not a fan of muzzle breaks) and a Leupold 3-9 40mm scope. It only took about 8 rounds to zero the gun in at 100 yards. I shot the gun and expected a heavy recoil, but what I got was more of a medium "push". We were shooting factory Winchester 180 grain silvertips....and these were making nice cloverleafs at 100 yards once we got it zeroed and let it cool after every 3rd shot.

Nice gun! Light weight, clean lines, great matt finish. Should kill anything that walks on the north American contenant from groundhogs to moose to bear.

