You might find this interesting or maybe not. I cast a bullet that I shoot in ROAs and also load into 45lc cases and shoot as a cartridge bullet. I shoot nothing but BP and these little pills have a huge lube groove. I luber/size these at .454. I shoot them in big quantities and they are cast from wheelweights and weigh 148gr without lube. Pictured is from left a 45spl, lubed EPP bullet, a .457 ball, a unlubed bullet and a loaded 45lc cartridge.

Yes, I shoot cowboy action. I don't need the weight, since I don't shoot at any great distance. Casting of wheelweights gives me a distinct ding over the splat of pure lead balls. Recoil is nothing to speak, and compares to a .457 ball that I was using. These were designed for ROAs, but I like them for cartridge too. The shorter cartridge is not a russian, is is called a 45colt special. You can load a full load of powder, the small bullet and the round compares with about a .38 spl for recoil. I have been casting them now about 3 or 4 years and they work for my application. The huge lube groove carries more than enough lube to keep fouling soft.
However, to load them in my ROAs, I have to remove the cylinder and use a press made for the purpose and load powder, then bullet, no wad or filler and then install in revolver and cap.