This is my first year in "the great gardening adventure" and I'm learning a lot. First, the bad news..
A late frost killed all my tomato plants (38),and all but 2 of my hot pepper plants. I was wanting to grow lots of tomatoes this year.
The deer are nibbling on my corn. I'm going to try using different smells to repel them.
And lastly, "something" has ripped up a few leaves on a couple of my cucumber plants.
Good news.
Raspberries, and blackberries are coming along ok and will be producing a little this year. I didn't let the strawberries produce much so that they would be able to grow ,and spread out more, which they are doing! Runners are going all over.
I need to make some poles for the green beans to climb on.
I'm also trying to grow some watermelon, muskmelon,and rhubarb.
I also planted about 40 sunflowers (mammoth type).
I am trying to grow some herbs too, dill ,cilantro, parsley, oregano and catnip. Not sure how they will turn out.
Regards, Mark