I agree completly. No action is an action. If you own a gun and you believe in the 2nd Amedment, you should be involved as long as your finances permit. $25 or $35 a year is not much and I will go out on limb and say that anyone who is active in hunting or firearms can afford to set aside this small amount. Yes, all these organizations what more. So does my church but I do what I can and ignore the rest.
I get so much stuff from these organizations it makes my head spin with me being a Life NRA member and my son and wife are memebers as well. So you can image how many calls and mail we get from the NRA. Couple that with my memberships in the rest of the orgs (Listed below) you can imagine how many phone and mail solicitations I get. But I look at it this way, THESE ORGANIZATIONS ARE FIGHTING FOR ME, SO SHOULDENT THEY NOT ASK ME TO HELP ? OF COURSE THEY SHOULD. HOW CAN I ASK THEM TO HELP AND FIGHT FOR ME AND NOT HELP THEM IN RETURN ? That would be pretty rude.
Even if you don't have $$ to join these orgs. You can still e-mail senators, congressman, local state reps, Govorners, ect. E-mail cost zero.
I try to do all that I can. But I never feel its enough.