Hey again !!
As the 4th quickly approaches I know everyone is probably a buzz with activity, I know I am....
I mentioned when I first joined Graybeards Black Powder Mortar and Cannon Forums, That I had been a pyrotech for years,and the restrictions placed on many of the items would have pyro and rocket enthusiasts looking for a fix.
It didn't take much convincing for my Friend, after seeing the pix of my mortar/Thundermug, and moreover hearing it he was as sold as I was on this being an exciting as well as educational hobby,and after all anything that ends with a bang,can't be all bad....
So I asked my friend if it would be alright for me to take a few pictures of the finished piece I did for him for the holidays, it is still just a simple design of an early 1800's powder tester or Thundermug without the handle, but an interesting tweak on the outside finish, we'll call it transitional art ..lol.... used to make the change from fireworks to cannons for celebrating the 4th, New Years, and about any other day we can get away with in our area.
This one was a bit trickier than mine as it needed to be painted white prior to the art transfer was added to allow for the bright colors, and then layered in black, and several coats of clear....
Being in the South.... This one stakes it's claim in flaming letters on the water under a nightfilled sky of fireworks, and the mount bears 16 stars to reflect TN being the 16th state entered into the US.
"Southern Rock "
I hope you like the pix, I know I have flown somehwat in the face of the traditionalists,but polished brass in this diameter is quite pricey.... this one has the same dimensions as the earlier thundermug I posted pix of.....
Everybody have a Safe and Happy 4th of July..............Let Freedom Ring.....................