I own a 2340 sig...love it...best fixed sights I have ever seen...
I own or owned, a Glock 21, 23, 26, 30
Glock Pluses...
$450 bucks for fixed sights on them...(if you paid more then you were had)
low bore axis...light, nice balance...light recoil, little muzzle flip...
Glock Minuses...
balance changes with as the mag empties...Factory Fixed sights are not a fast or percision as the sig (opinion)
Un suported chamber...the 23 had a brass failure and blew apart from reloads...sigs have a suported barrel, as do the HK...this isn't really an issue unless you reload...
HK's are nice, but some complain that the grips are to rough...my complaint is that they are always 300 more than glocks, and 200 more than sigs...not worth it to me...
I will say for traditional da/sa the sig 2340 has the sweetest feel I have ever felt...
oh, on the glock vs sig....If I squeze a glock hard, I get the best groups, if I use a lighter grip on the sig I get the best groups...
I love them both...thousands of rounds though them all, and not one failure...(minus my beloved 23 blowing up)