Got a potentially interesting scenario-
My late grandfather served in the Navy during WWII. He had a couple of empty cases off the main gun on his destroyer escort, plus a deactived 20 mm cartridge (I'm assuming from one of the AA guns) that he used to bring to schools when he gave lectures. During my last visit to the old homestead, I had an opportunity to take the 20mm case home with me. Looking it over, I got to thinking about safety issues in transporting this thing. While someone took the time to drill holes in the case and remove the primer, I have no idea what the projectile is (it's not painted blue). I'm fairly confident it's safe, but the last thing I'd want is to find out after the fact the projectile was a tracer or HE or something else that shouldn't travel. I've looked online but haven't had any luck figuring out what it is.
Can anyone help?