Have never shot a paper patched bullet. Have shot some lead 280 grainers from a 358009 mold. Purchased from a fellow in Alaska. Enjoyed that. Want to try something different on a do it yourself elk hunt to Colorado. Would like to try paper patched bullets about 300 grains with some kind of tapered point. I have a 1 in 12 twist. I need to have the bullets fully prepared to load and a little guidance to get started.
I do have some Barnes Original 300 grain round noses in both .032 and .049 jacket thickness for swapping. Also some 280 grainers from the 358009 mold and a 280 grainer with a flat tip to swap. I shot some into of OSB and they penetrated 11 layers of 1/2 inch.
The Barnes 300 grain original penetrated 12 layers.
If one of you fellows is planning on a big game hunt and one of these bullets would prove useful give me an email.
please email me direct at because it takes me a while to get back to this forum.