Last night I saw the best presidential debate format ever seen on TV (IMO).
Although, having read his definitive book and observed his church operations, I am no fan of Rick Warren; I must admit he ran the fairest and best debate I have ever seen
on the TV.
The two participants had equal time, were asked basically the same questions (ones most of us want answered), and they were not allowed to "feed off" each other.
They were not allowed hear answers given by the opponent, which means their answers truly were their answers.
I started watching the debate by being mildly luke-warm toward McCain..but only as an antidote toward the most liberal Senator of all..and all his radical/liberal policies.
By the time I watched carefully the answers from both candidates, I was moved to become a John McCain supporter; simply because he is so right on so many issues.
Abortion ?: Obama first equivocated, stumbled..but when pressed, he wouldn't even rule out partial-birth abortions..McCain.."I'm pro-life"..
When does life begin?: Again, Obama stumbled, trying to find a "spin'..finally saying, "that question is above my pay grade" (Obama, it's not above MY pay grade, ..IG)
Faced with the same question, McCain quickly replied..2 words, "at conception"
Does evil exist ?: Obama spun a bit and finally did admit that it Darfur and in his mean streets of Chicago. McCain had no problem with the question saying, it
exists in the radical Islam of Afghanistan & Iraq and Al Queda....sources Obama either overlooked or preferred not to mention. He added that evil is spreading itself
throughout the world, esp with radical Islam.
What do we do about evil: Obama said, "we must HUMBLY approach evil" going on to imply that we are an evil nation..McvCain's answer "defeat it"..
When asked who are some they would pick as primary advisers, should they become president..McCain started out with..General Petraeus..Obama..his wife, Michelle..
...guess I need not comment here.
McCain's answers were sharp, clear and to the point..and I discovered he has a wonderful sense of humor..and that completely "off the cuff" in reply to Warren's
One thing that led to a great debate was that they were before a quiet, polite audience that was respectful of both candidates..,