Okie shooter u have it maid,up here where i live in northern okla north of enid on the state line these farmes are geting 10 bucks a acer,thats 1600 for a quater of farm and pasture ground,and they pay for the wheat ground thats sarounds the draw or pasture, it is unreal here all these farmers are leaseing there ground out it is hard for me a local guy that grew up here all my life,to find deer hunting ground,if u have money come on up there is ground up here to lease, the farmer i hunt on he hunts to but with the last 2 past years of drout and to wet last year these small farmers are have hard time makeing it and he made it sound like after last year deer season he was going to have to lease his ground for the extra 5000 dollers he would get of his ground i will just have to see,i am not going to pay to hunt deer it that simple, if u okies need to hunt get a hlod of the ESC Edmond Sporting Club they hunt all over up here, and other states as well,what started this lease thing up here is Texans comeing up here to hunt didnt start tell they showed up offering the land owners money to keep people out so they could be theonly people on the ground other than the land owner, so Okieshooter u got 1 hell of a deal