Author Topic: Missouri Cannon Works Official GBO Position Statement.  (Read 5238 times)

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Missouri Cannon Works Official GBO Position Statement.
« on: December 19, 2007, 06:14:14 AM »
At the end of this post is a full copy of a post I made back on November 15, 2007 following a phone call from Johnnie Adams father of John Adams. In that post I stated that to the best of my knowledge there is no current business relationship between Johnnie the father and John the son. It is my understanding that John the son is the sole proprietor of Missouri Cannon Works and has been since some time in the spring of 2007 and that his father Johnnie and another brother who's name I do not know run a completely separate business again I'm unsure the name of that business.

I have been getting multiple harrassment phone calls from one or both but for sure from Johnnie the father lately again. He is making threats of filing lawsuits yet again if I don't stop things which are not even happening at all at this website. He claims slanderous/libelous comments have been made by one or both Moderators of this forum on the GBO website. I have read all threads I can find regarding Missouri Cannon Works and find no such comments. He claimed to me in a phone conversation which I have taped that both Moderators have publicly stated that he (Johnnie) is still associated with the business of the son John and that as a result of those statements he now has lawsuits filed against him that properly involve only the son John.

I cannot find any such comments that have or ever were made by either Moderator. IF such have been made I request that both Tim and Doug locate and remove/correct those comments. I do not believe they have made such and certain I cannot find such but just in case I ask they be corrected IF they are here.

Again I say that to the best of my knowledge Johnnie the father has no business relationship with John the son and that as best as I know Missouri Cannon Works is solely the property of John the son. I say that not as fact but as my understanding based on information provided me by both John and Johnnie.

I'm really getting tired of the drama over the firm Missouri Cannon Works and whomever the owners are. As a result I'm instituting the following policy in regard this family and that business and all other businesses owned by either or both parties.

NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE from this moment forward is to make any statements on this site related to either John or Johnnie Adams or to Missouri Cannon Works or any other business owned, operated or evolving either party UNLESS:

1. You are an attorney representing one of them or some other party in a lawsuit against one of them or

2. You are John or Johnnie Adams or

3. You have a direct personal business relationship with one or both of those parties.

If you have a direct business relationship with either or both whether as a supplier to them or a buyer of products from them you may post your comments good or bad about those business relationships here. But if you do not have a business relationship which you wish to discuss and if you are not an attorney involved directly in lawsuits related to them then DO NOT POST your comments on this website.

We quite frankly have zero interest in your comments that do not relate DIRECTLY to a business transaction with them. Your personal opinions are of no interest to us. ONLY your direct business relationships may be discussed on this site from this point forward as it relates to this entire matter of the Adams family and/or their businesses.

The owners and managment of this site takes no official position on who is or has owned Missouri Cannon Works. We have no first hand knowledge relating to that situation only second hand information provided by the members of the Adams family. Nor to the best of my knowledge does any Moderator of this site have such first hand knowledge.

Anyone found to be in violation of this policy as stated in this post who posts personal opinions as opposed to reports of business relationships will be removed as a member of this website. NO MORE am I clear? This thread is locked and will remain locked and NO ONE may post to it other than the owners of GBO or myself.

Re: WARNING! Missouri Cannon Works Rip Off
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2007, 10:41:25 AM »      

I got a call a few minutes ago from Johnnie the father of John of Missouri Cannon Works. He wanted to again clarify that he is NOT at this time in any way shape, form or fashion associated with his son John other than that he is John's father.

I asked pointedly WHEN they ceased doing business together as Missouri Cannon Works and he was not able to provide me with a specific day or month but said it was in early spring of this year 2007. Thus anything having to do with failure to supply what was paid for by Missouri Cannon Works that has taken place since that date definitely should not address him and the other son who are in business together as a separate business.

I guess anything from prior to that time could legally address him as well but that's NOT for me to decide that's a matter for the courts.

If an order was placed with Missouri Cannon Works after say mid April or so of this year I would recommend that Johnnie not be considered to have been involved and not to be addressed in your attempts at redress of your greivance with his son John.

I made it clear to him during our phone conversation that I will NOT allow them to begin anew their personal fued here and that I will not allow either of them to pursue business on this site from our members.

But in fairness their business relationship ended some time in early spring 2007 so calling it about a month into spring a date some time in middle to late April of 2007 could reasonably be used as a termination date for that business relationship. Prior to that then maybe both should be named. After that clearly he should  NOT be.  

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Re: Missouri Cannon Works Official GBO Position Statement.
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 12:52:58 PM »
Posted By Direction of GBO Management.

Attorney General's News ReleaseAugust 13, 2008

Nixon sues Warsaw man who sold replica Civil War cannons online but didn't provide merchandise or refunds
Warsaw, Mo. - Several consumers from around the country who bought full-scale replica Civil War cannons and parts online from a Warsaw man received neither the merchandise they paid for nor refunds, Attorney General Jay Nixon says.

Nixon today took legal action to obtain restitution for those consumers by filing a lawsuit against John R. Adams, who does business as Missouri Cannon Works. The lawsuit says Adams advertised and sold Civil War-replica ordnance through his Web site and required customers to make advance payments for their orders with personal checks or wire transfers.

At least three consumers who sent Adams payment of as much as $4,250 did not receive the merchandise they ordered. Nixon said Adams ignored consumer inquiries and request for status updates once the consumers ordered and paid for the merchandise, and also has ignored requests for refunds.

The lawsuit, filed in Benton County Circuit Court, asks the court to issue a finding that Adams violated Missouri consumer protection laws and order him to pay restitution to any consumers harmed by his actions. Nixon also wants the court to issue preliminary and permanent injunctions to prohibit Adams from further violations of the law, and to order him to pay appropriate penalties and costs to the state.