It is mind-boggling to read all of the political comments in "Ole Pot-Bellied Stove" and similar threads! It makes me wonder just what the real effect of this year-long plus campaign is . Has ANYBODY been swayed away from where they were nearly a year ago? How many people would vote for Bush again---why not or, as the case may be ,why? I would really like to know the REAL reason people favor one candidate or party over another. Look at all the arguments for and against all of the candidates in this campaign and it only boils down to TWO people,or FOUR ,if you will, amazing! It seems if you could slip Alfred E. Neuman into the mix and use Ross Perot's money to boost him ,you could generate a viable contender. Does any body doubt that there are nameless ,faceless powers/influencers that greatly "guide" the so-called supreme-commander.READ 1985! That's even older than Bohemian Grove too, Ken