Sorry about the late response, I just noticed your post.
Yes, I have taken up to 3 rifles with me going up from Wa. State into B.C., The form you fill out at Canadian Customs as you cross has provisions for listing mutliple weapons. The last time I crossed, about 2 years ago, one fee was charged, good for 60 days ( I think ) and the number of rifles made no difference. I might mention that I took a .22 for grouse, and two Centerfire for big game.
Keep in mind that the minimum barrel length in Canada is 18", vs U.S. 16", and they can be persnickity about magazines that hold more then 5 rounds ( I once brought a marlin '94 in .44 Mag that holds 10 in the tube, and I had some problems getting it across). And, of course , no so-called "assault rifles". BOY, I HATE THAT TERM!! Should be "military look-alikes that function only in semi-auto mode, same as any other less sinister looking rifle, used by many sportsmen due to it's ruggedness and ease of handling"!!!