I work for a natural gas company for 33 years. It is not all the oil companies doing this. It is all the conditions combined. You can't run a pipeline, build a refinery, or anything without doing an environmental study. It has cost us a fortune to have to install pipelines by bore instead of trenching because of some "endangered" animal, fish, or even endangered "grass" which we ran into one time. Refineries stink. No one wants one in their "neighborhood". If they have to shut a refinery down temporarily, it puts gasoline in short supply. Local gas stations then have to by from different distributors, which raise prices to cover additional costs and sales. Existing refineries have to try to make up difference in supply if one or more are shut down, this causes overtime productions, which drives up costs. Government regulations cost natural gas companies about double what it would without the regulations. It is a combination of high OPEC pricing, lack of new refineries, Most new oil in the US is offshore or on government land and in Alaska. About half of the cost of a gallon of gas, is government taxes: on the barrel oil, transportation taxes, distribution taxes, per gallon tax, and sales taxes. Don't blame it all on the oil companies. Natural gas is taxed at the wellhead, taxed if it crosses state lines (federal), sales tax from transportation pipeline to local distribution pipeline, sales tax on the sale to individuals. Oil and gas are taxed all along the way. If Obama taxes the big bad corporations, they are only going to pass it along to us. We need a flat income tax and a national sales tax to solve all this mess. Government needs to relax the drilling bans, and get out of the way. Then we can get our own supplies, and the prices will stabilize, and the supply will be stable.