Author Topic: Note to  (Read 848 times)

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    • M R HOGS
Note to
« on: December 11, 2008, 09:00:52 AM »
Tim…got you PM today.  I can no longer PM - to anyone - from work and getting the Internet connection at home in the evening away from two competing boys that have on-line homework is like trying to take a Sirloin bone from the dog…it just ain’t going to happen.

When do you want to come down and try again?  I will be on vacation at the end of the year (12/26 to 01/04 inclusive) in order to reduce my accrued vacation below the maximum carryover of 40 hours.  Accounting has a non-remunerated policy of Use It or Lose It and I am not going to give away paid time off.

The front feeder is full of corn, as it was when you were here.  The slinger has failed after 7 years of hard service.  Can you imagine my surprise when for the last 7 years, 4 to 6 times per day, rain or shine, hot or cold, a hurricane that dropped the entire limb with attached feeder onto the slinger from a height of 15+ feet into 8 inches of standing water and I just plucked it out of the water, undented the case, dried the guts, put in a new battery, and it RAN another 4 years; that it has now failed?  Good darn slinger I’d say.

I have a new blue barrel and Cabelas slinger for replacement.  The barrel needs a good coating of dark green paint or it will look like I have hung a Smurf in the tree.  I plan to make the exchange this weekend.  It is raining today and the realm of Company Christmas parties is upon me for the next several days.  Sucks to be me…

My hunting partner and I saw hogs…9 of them…at O’Dark-30 on Thursday morning 12/05.  They were 250+ yards south of the west road stand and 150+ yards west of the SW corner stand.  I stalked to within 30 feet of a brown 100#’er that was digging a deep hole.  He erupted to the north and then to the south.  I didn’t take the shot.  I didn’t want a hog that badly and I didn’t want to hit him poorly and spend time marking human scent all over the woods where we wanted to shoot deer.  So the hogs are still there and will remain tearing up the place for as long as the acorns fall and the feeder provides corn.

Let me know your plans for the Holidays.