The first thing i want to say is that what i am about to tell you may be dangerous. I never had any problems with thousands of rounds, but you need to use your head, and be sure you don't do something that will get you hurt.
I used to shoot rabbits, cottontails in our family orchard every day. They atr the bark off young replanted apple trees, and they were shot on sight o prevent the loss of time/ profit that raising a tree for as long as two years and then losing it. they are also quite toothsome. Many times, hyper velocity 22 lr ammo was not accurate enough to get a thorax hit on a rabbit at 75 yards plus. I switched to sub sonic match, and no more problems with accuracy. problems were hitting rabbits and not recovering them. Then I switched over to standard velocity hollowpoints. One time out of three, the dead rabbit would have a hole the size of a quarter through them, one time they woud have a hole like a solid point, and one time they would show evidence of being hit hard, and get away. I noticed that the hollow point was actually crimped over on all brands. I suppose this was as a result of some type of handleing/seating during manufacturing, maybe even on purpose. to aid feeding. I took a ball point, bic disposable pen, and pushed it as far into the hollow point as it would go. The pen would stop on a little shoulder on the pen, and the cavity would be unifoorm, and look much more semetrical. It also made a gaping hole, if there is such a thing in 22 caliber. Over half my rabbit kills were "bang flops after this invention.
I can not tell you if this "reforming " of the hollowpoint cavity, really just the openining of the cavity is safe or not. You are on your own. It worked for me, and I never got into any trouble that way. FWIW, the reformed bullets didn't feed in any atoloader, so i assume the factory profile is to faciliate feeding. Again, I just don't know, but I liked the results. Holes the size of quarters, over 60% of the time.