Author Topic: Take It AS It Comes!  (Read 518 times)

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Offline Macthediver

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Take It AS It Comes!
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:33:08 AM »
Yesterday was the first day of my first fall vacation. 
I spent the day hanging out with a good friend and his family at the Homg New Year. I'm glad I said yes when he ask me to go, " I had a Great Day!"
I'm far from having everything done that I need and want done, so I can hit the coon line hard next Saturday.
What's New??
So I'm sitting here this morning, day 2 of my vacation watching news and decide to make a list of to-do's for this week.
You know! Get this, do that, kind of list.
I'm pretty sure there is more on the list then I will get done and things I will add as I go.
I think I could have had a lot more trapping stuff lined up if I could just stayed focused.
It usually goes kind of like this.
I'm working on some trapping thing in the garage and my son comes home from work and says, "Dad lets go duck hunting!"  Wellll !! .. Heck Ok! I can finish this later, can't duck hunt with my boy only so many days.  Then there is the community service project that I volunteered to do back in September. I know, I know!!   It has to be done by Nov 1, I want it done by this Friday....Hummm...think I'll scout coon sets today and work on that when the sun goes down :-) But then there is the 5:30 meeting I have to make today too..???
OK! so I made my list, and I will work on clearing that list off.
Point of my post is what I wrote in big letters at the bottom of my list and circled. It is the same line that I started this post with, just a reminder.

"Take It As It Comes!"

Maybe it's just because I'm older?
Maybe because I can only do what I can do?
Maybe it's a way to cop-out? on what I don't get finished?
I know when I look at that line it makes it easier to just keep moving along.

On the morning news they just said " To live better."

1.  Each day "Take 15 minutes for your self."    I can do that.

2.  Don't be "Afraid to laugh at your self."      I know I can do that I'm a funny guy.

Later all
I need to go add those two things to my list!

"Never Forget Which Way Is Up!"

Offline Bogmaster

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Re: Take It AS It Comes!
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 03:34:18 AM »
 Mark, my to do list--is pages long and growing. Have to get allsupplies in order first--my dear wife,fills orders when I trap--or so I can trap  lol. So I try to make it easier for her--all traps,snares and other supplies must be labeled.Just as I get going it seems other things always come up.
 I am refinnishing a huge deck for a lady,it has not been treated in 13 or 14 years. The stripping and prep work is enormous--what I thought would take 1 day --is already at 3,with 2 more days of stripping ahead of me. Even had a customer(Andy Trapper) pick up his supplies at the place I am working on the deck,it saved him a good amount of travel time.
 This morning I have to get coon traps ,sent off to a Wisconsin trapper,my lure needs to be labeled(yes I made 4 batches of Moundmaster this week).
 My lure shed needs to be gone over--Lenon's and Blackies stuff all needs to be put back in order and labeled.---OH YES)))--They want me to do beaver work in the north country---and they want it done soon---hard to be there ,when I have a deck to finnish.
 I haven't even been duck hunting this year.
 Oh well--back to my list, I need it so I don't forget anything--what was I saying?
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline Macthediver

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Re: Take It AS It Comes!
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2008, 04:08:08 AM »
I think most of us are some what the same, the list just grows.
Right now I do however take my few minutes in the morning make myself breakfast watch news and read the paper at the same time. I check e-mail and take a quick look here. Next I'm like you and off to the races, yesterday I put 70 miles on the car. I got permissions out of the way and now know exactly where at least a couple dozen coon traps will go Saturday morning. All the standing corn is going to mean more walking less driving. I'm still in a dilemma over whether to use the boys quad runner. I know there are 3 or 4 farms at the beginning of my line I think it would be of some value. After that I'd be kind of draggin it along???
Right now I plan to take my time look at and cover what I can. I figure if I don't get to every farm, OK, but I'm going to catch as much fur as I can at the ones I'm on. Got 5 days to pound the coon, then it's back to work. Back to work means their schedule not mine, which always suck.
The community service job is nearing being done. It's been a family project and my wife was fighting phenomena and now has a sinus infection. She is lead artist on the deal so that kinda slowed us down. It does look however as though we should finish today or tomorrow. When this thing goes up in the park Nov 1 I'll post some pictures. Right now I need to hit the garage and cook a tote of dirty traps I found. I thought I had them all done and ready to go.. then dug these out. I'm sure I have plenty ready and probably more than I'll use. I don't like the thought of getting caught short it I need more. I like one clean trap back for everyone in the field. Which we all know most times just can't or doesn't happen.

"Never Forget Which Way Is Up!"