Author Topic: Preseason scouting  (Read 366 times)

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Preseason scouting
« on: October 05, 2008, 02:54:33 PM »
  Did some more preseason scouting today.  Seen alot of fresh beaver sign in the farm wetlands.  I got to one dam today and it looks like the bucktoothed buddies have been laying out more mud as the rain began to fall. Fresh mud, fresh tracks, and fresh chew sticks were all put in place. Along the sides of the creeks were mink and raccoon tracks as well.
  What else was a very pleasing surprise was seeing wood ducks all over the place with mallards dropping into the flooded corn.  With the cold air, light rain, and the hunting & trapping seasons being right around the corner, I can only imagine the being full in the early morning before and birds dropping from the sky in the afternoon with the eyes of a great retriever watching. Laughing at reality here.... Ok I most likely will be taking a nap in the duck blind with my yellow lab and an unloaded shotgun still in the case with my wife back at the house wondering when I'll be home for dinner!!!!!!

Have a great season Folks!!!
I Trap And I Hunt. Therefore I AM!