As soon as I began searching for one of the words on the web, this popped up, looks like the same act of 1540, with somewhat different forms of the words:
Hagbutis and uther small artelyerie to be furnist within the realme
Item, becaus the schott of gunnis, hagbuttis, handbowis and uther small artelyerie now comounlie usit in all (censored word), baith be sey and land, in thare weris is sa felloune and uneschewable to the pith of hie curage of noble and vailyeant men, quhais actis and dedis cannocht be schewin without contrare provisioune be had of instrumentis of were and batell, it is herefore statute and ordanit be the kingis hienes, with avise and consent of the thre estatis of his realme, that every landit man within the samin sall have ane hagbute of found, callit hagbut of crochert, with thare calmis, bullettis and pellokis of leid or irne, with powder convenient thareto, for every hundreth pund of land that he hes of new extent, and he that hes bot ane hundreth merk land sall haif tua culveringis, and ilkman havand fourti pund land sall have ane culvering, with calmyis, leid and pulder ganand tharto, with trestis, to be at all tymes reddy for schoting of the saidis hagbuttis; and that every man of leving forsaid sall have ane man or ma as he may furness for schoting of the saidis hagbutis and culveringis and to leire utheris to schoit the samin; and that every man have the said artelyerie efferand to his leving, substanciouslie furnist as said is, reddy within xviij monethis next efter the publicacioune of this acte, under the pane of dowbling of the price that will by ilk pece of the said artelyerie, to be applyit to the kingis grace use for bying of the samin to himself; and the saidis xviij monethis being past, that every man mak his musteris with the said artelyerie, weill furnist as said is, at the next wapinschawing therefter to the takaris and ressavaris of the saidis wapinschawingis, the quhilk being done thai sall nocht be bundin to bring thare said artelyerie to ony wapinschawingis therefter, bot geiff thai be specialie requirit thareto be the kingis graces writtingis or be the schireff or uther jugis ordinare under the kingis grace; and that this acte be extendit als weill to the lordis of regalite and thair tenentis as to thame of the rialtie, and that every kirkman furness siclike artelyerie in maner aboune written to be schawin at wapinschawingis as said is efter the avale and quantite of thair temperale landis, and that thare artelyerie remane at the castell, abbay or mansioune of the bischope, prelate or kirkman, to be kepit thare and left to his successoure quha salbe haldin to wphald the samin for the defense of the realme. And becaus it can nocht be now cleirlie understandin of the avale and quantite of every burgh quhat artelyerie and howmekle thai may furness, therefore, it is ordanit that lettres be writtin to the provestis, ballies, aldermen of every burgh of this realme signifyand unto thame this statute and ordinance of the maner of furnesing of artelyerie to be maid be the baronis and kirkmen, chargeing thame, tharefore, to convene thare counsale, avise and conclude quhat artelyerie and in quhat manere ilk burgh may perfurness, and refere agane to the kingis grace within xv dais nixt eftir thai be chargit tharto, that his hienes may be avisit tharwith; with certificatioune geiff thai failye tharintill, his grace sall cause thame to be taxt efter the avale and quantite of thare commoune gudis and substance for furnesing of the said artelyerie; and ordanis that ladyis of conjunct fee and lifrent sall furness efferand to the quantite of thare leving for support of the baronis and utheris landit men in the prefurnessing of the said artelyerie.
For hamebringing of hagbutis, culveringis, pulder and harnesse
Item, becaus nathir artelyerie nor harnesse can be furnist nor maid reddy conforme to the actis maid tharupoune without the samyn be brocht hame be merchandis, tharefore, it is statute and ordanit that every merchand saland forth of this realm, or sendand his gudis extending to ane last of gudis, sall bring hame als oft as he salis or sendis his gudis at every tyme twa hagbutis of crochert or ma as his pak may furness, with poulder and calmys for furnessing of the samin, or ellis als mekle mettal as will mak the saidis hagbutis, with poulder efferand tharto, and siclike harness for furnessing of oure soverane lordis liegis in manere forsaid.
The above text came from this page, which has a bunch of other interesting laws on it. You can see the first many of them deal with religion and heresy, as back then, there was no such thing as separation of Church and State, the two were very much connected. here's "Jamison's Dictionary of the Scottish Language" to look up unfamiliar words. I looked up "crohert" and it is apparently just another word for Hackbut.