When I lived in the Peace River Country of Northern Alberta it was not uncommon during the summer to find fresh moose tracks out in our grass-hay field in the morning. The field were close to the bush and escape cover was close.
Cultivated fields provide high energy food for wildlife, and I doubt Mr. Moose is an exception. Black bear have been seen raking in the heads of barley with their paws to mouth. Crop land upsets many of our thoughts regarding traditional wildlife habitat.
“Social Behavior:
Social System - Relatively asocial, moose may "yard" up in small groups of up to 12-15 in winter, drawn together by advantageous snow conditions and food. During spring and summer, small groups of bulls known as satellites may form. Again, during the rutting period, temporary associations of bulls occur with aggressive interactions producing hierarchies in which the top ranking bull gains access to cows. Cow-calf, and even cow-calf-yearling, are other social groups.”
I cannot tell if the pictures have been photo shopped, the idea behind photo shop is the view cannot tell if it is real except ones done is jest, normally associated with Bill Clinton.