Hello everyone, I am extending an open invitation to everyone, to come to my range and shoot for FREE. For any of our Handgun Silhouette matches, I will provide the gun, ammo, sight settings, coacing/spotting and the first entry is FREE. (normally $5).
We have a top notch facility, with a covered firing line, three sides walled in, and a wood stove on the line for those cold days that seem to happen this time of year.
The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association (COSSA) range is located 24 miles East of Bend, Oregon, on Hwy 20.
Please give me a call or send me an e-mail if interested.
*** If you live too far away, I will contact the closest match director to your location and I'm pretty sure I can talk them into offering you the exact same deal. ***
Let's go shooting!! Handgun Silhouette is not easy, but it feeds the need for instant gratification. Bang, Clang, Whoomp (the sound of a falling target)
Thanks, hope to hear from you soon.
Joe Cullison